Category Archives: litigation

Resolving a Dispute is like Traveling…

Resolving a Dispute is Like Traveling, Writing a Business Plan, or Choosing a Course of Medical Treatment: If you take the wrong road, you won’t get the result you want. My friend Liz Ferris, a marketing consultant who works with lawyers around the world, has often given us this simple but often overlooked advice: “If you want to achieve your …

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Posted in Arbitration, Case Evaluation, Choose Best Course, Collaborative Law, Collaborative Mediation, Collaborative Processes, Course of Action, Dispute Resolution Process, Dispute Resolution Resources, Efficient dispute resolution, litigation, Mediation, Primary Dispute Resolution (PDR), resolution, Resolve Conflict, Steps to Resolution | Comments Off

Atheists, Trustworthy or Not?

  In litigation, one of the biggest unstated principles is whether the plaintiff or defendant is trustworthy.  In other words, are they credible.  Well a new study revealed some interesting news about whether religion affects the trustworthiness of a person. According to a new study conducted at the University of British Columbia, distrust is key [...] Continue reading

Posted in atheist, credibility, distrust, litigation, Mediation, religious, trust, trusthworthy | Comments Off