Category Archives: study

Your “Likes” Can Reveal Your Personality

Recently, I have been conducting some research on what items surrounding a person say about that person’s personality and then I was delighted to see a fascinating study on a related issue addressing people’s likes from Facebook.  In essence, the study research what predictive information can be gleened from a person’s “like” of something. The […] Continue reading

Posted in facebook, like, personality, Pyschological Research and negotiations, research, reveal, study, traits | Comments Off

The Imbibing Idiot

Most people in mediation don’t fully realize that many — if not all– of the issues that are in question — liability, damages, cause, effect, consequences, good faith, ability to perform, etc..are affected by the perception that is created throughout the litigation and mediation.  The reality is that perception is reality, not the other way [...] Continue reading

Posted in alcohol, drunk, effect, idiot, imbibing, Mediation, perception, power, Pyschological Research and negotiations, reality, research, rick, scott, study | Comments Off

Let’s Make A Deal With Bubble Gum

  Want to become smarter, even if only for a little bit.  Well, I have the answer for you.  Chew some gum. Recently a study found that people who chew gum before testing on a subject increased their cognitive function.  The study showed that the increase in brain power, however, lasted only for 15 minutes. [...] Continue reading

Posted in benefit, bubble, creative, gum, increase, Mediation, negotiation, Pyschological Research and negotiations, research, study, thinking | Comments Off

What Do the End of the Worlders, Austin Powers and Mediation Have to Do With Each Other?

Recently, I was at a soccer tournament recently and a goal keeper saved a goal. At the same time, one of the parents jokingly stated that the Goalkeeper had saved the world. How, I asked. The parent then reminded me that a religious organization had recently professed that the world was going to end on that exact date and time. At that same time, the Goal keeper had saved the goal, and as a result saved the soccer team from total destruction. The next day, the religious organization claimed that they had miscalculated and that the new date was really the end of the world. That world saving goal keeper got me thinking about why people are convinced about their positions and why they don’t change their mind even in the face of overwhelming evidence. That process brought me to the the concept of the Backfire Effect. Continue reading

Posted in austin, backfire, belief, Brendan, conviction, convinced, David McRaney, effect, influence, jason, Mediation, Nyhan, persuade, persuasion, powers, Pyschological Research and negotiations, Reifler, research, study | Comments Off