Monthly Archives: March 2013

Your “Likes” Can Reveal Your Personality

Recently, I have been conducting some research on what items surrounding a person say about that person’s personality and then I was delighted to see a fascinating study on a related issue addressing people’s likes from Facebook.  In essence, the study research what predictive information can be gleened from a person’s “like” of something. The […] Continue reading

Posted in facebook, like, personality, Pyschological Research and negotiations, research, reveal, study, traits | Comments Off

My final offer is a very Precise and Exact number.

Here is a brief article in the Boston Globe regarding making and responding to offers.  Many litigators consider this approach to be a sound negotiating strategy. Now there is some science to support it. “NEXT TIME YOU find yourself in a negotiation, don’t just throw out a round number. In a series of experiments, researchers from […] Continue reading

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Liar, Liar, Texts on Fire

You can’t go anywhere without someone texting you today.  For some, text messages are the preferred source of communications.  But how accurate are texts and can we rely on this form of communication? The reality is that text message, while efficient, is a very flawed method of communicating.  According to longstanding research by Mehrabian, 93% […] Continue reading

Posted in deception, liar, lying, Mediation, messages, negotiation, text, texting, xu | Comments Off