Category Archives: tactic

Negotiaflirt. A Powerful Tool In A Woman’s Negotiation Purse

A recent study from UC Berkely has discovered that women can use flirtation as a very effective negotiation technique.  This is not true, however for men.  Flirtatiousness, female friendliness, or the more diplomatic description “feminine charm” is an effective way for women to gain negotiating mileage, according to a new study by Haas School Professor Laura [...] Continue reading

Posted in flirt, Mediation, negotiate, negotiation, Pyschological Research and negotiations, success, successful, tactic, woman, women | Comments Off

The Backfire Effect

Recently, I have been looking into the concept of the backfire effect. That effect plainly states that when people are entrenched in their view, the more information that you provide them to combat their belief, the more they believe in their position.

Here is a video explaining the concept.

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Posted in backfire, effect, Mediation, negotiation, strategy, tactic | Comments Off

Are You a Nibbler? Pay Close Attention if you Are.

Are You a Nibbler? Now I am not referring to your eating habits.  Instead, I am wondering about your negotiation tactics.  A nibble is when at the end of the deal, you ask for a little something more.  This little something generally doesn’t have huge value in relation to the entire deal.  For example, in [...] Continue reading

Posted in Mediation, negotiation, nibble, suggestion, tactic, technique, warning | Comments Off