Category Archives: negotiate

Negotiaflirt. A Powerful Tool In A Woman’s Negotiation Purse

A recent study from UC Berkely has discovered that women can use flirtation as a very effective negotiation technique.  This is not true, however for men.  Flirtatiousness, female friendliness, or the more diplomatic description “feminine charm” is an effective way for women to gain negotiating mileage, according to a new study by Haas School Professor Laura [...] Continue reading

Posted in flirt, Mediation, negotiate, negotiation, Pyschological Research and negotiations, success, successful, tactic, woman, women | Comments Off

What Grade is Your Settlement?

By Steven G. Mehta Many times when parties to mediation talk about the settlement value of a case, they talk about one number.  The case should settle for $100,000, or $50,000, or whatever number is at issue.  However, all too often that single number is a flawed method of helping you to figure out the [...] Continue reading

Posted in a, amount, b, c, calculate, d, f, grades, identify, Mediation, negotiate, negotiation, preparation, range, settlement, value, values | Comments Off