Category Archives: Preventive Law

Family Business Succession: The Joys and Challenges

Family business succession can be joyous when there is a succession plan. But when there’s no plan in place, it can be anything but joyous. It is a familiar scenario for a family.  Husband and wife build a family business, take pride in its growth and achievements while it provides for the family and then some. The goal is to …

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The “we don’t need to do that now” reason you need a Primary Care Lawyer.

We’ve been offering some stories about people, small businesses, and organizations who made some business and legal decisions before they had retained their PCL (primary care lawyer) to be part of their team of trusted advisors. Here are two common ones that I have heard several times: A young woman starting up a small business wants to formalize the business …

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Posted in new business, Preventive Law, primary care counselor, Primary Care Law, primary care lawyer | Comments Off

Do you have your primary care lawyer?

Most people have a primary care physician.  But people and small businesses don’t often have a primary care lawyer.  This primary care lawyer that your closely held or family business or non-profit organization doesn’t have is probably the most important lawyer you need. I often analogize between how we approach legal disputes and how we make medical decisions.  A vital …

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Posted in Preventive Law, primary care lawyer, primary care legal counselor | Comments Off

Legal disputes are parts of something greater

What if we began to see disputes as a small part of something bigger? If we viewed them as a point along a spectrum with a greater continuum? If we placed the dispute within the context of one or more larger relationships? When we do this, we free ours… Continue reading

Posted in Collaborative Processes, Dispute Resolution Resources, Mediation, Preventive Law | Comments Off

Have you checked your assumptions, lately?

Have you ever thought negatively about a person or a situation based on information you thought was accurate but which turned out to be wrong? Continue reading

Posted in Case Evaluation, Collaborative Processes, Preserving Relationships, Preventive Law, Respect and civility | Comments Off

We are looking for one good town (legally speaking)

Now, take that same concept – a commitment of an entire town to practicing health wellness – but apply it to legal wellness. For one year, what if town officials agreed that if there were any kind of municipal disputes, neither side would sue or g… Continue reading

Posted in Collaborative Law, Collaborative Processes, Cutting litigation costs, Dispute Resolution Clauses, Dispute Resolution Resources, Financial Considerations of Dispute Resolution, Preventive Law, Saving money in tough times | Comments Off