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Category Archives: trial
Getting your day in court – what does it really mean? And how can we get it for you?
“I want my day in court.” “I was wronged and something’s got to be done about it. We need to fix this.” “What happened to me wasn’t right and wasn’t fair. I want some justice.” “I want the other side to feel some pain. I want some vengeance.” I often hear these sentiments in my initial phone call or meeting …
The post Getting your day in court – what does it really mean? And how can we get it for you? appeared first on Dispute Resolution Counsel.
Posted in court, Perspectives, trial
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I know Nostradamus, and You My Friend Are No Nostradamus
In every mediation, there is always some party that predicts the future. Phrases such as “There is no way that we can lose this case,” “most likely we will win,” or “the judge will never rule that way,” are frequently mentioned. The reality, however, is that people are generally very bad at telling the future […] Continue reading
Posted in bias, future, lawyers, Mediation, optimistic, outcome, predicting, prediction, Pyschological Research and negotiations, trial, wishful thinking
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I know Nostradamus, and You My Friend Are No Nostradamus
In every mediation, there is always some party that predicts the future. Phrases such as “There is no way that we can lose this case,” “most likely we will win,” or “the judge will never rule that way,” are frequently mentioned. The reality, however, is that people are generally very bad at telling the future […] Continue reading
Posted in bias, future, lawyers, Mediation, optimistic, outcome, predicting, prediction, Pyschological Research and negotiations, trial, wishful thinking
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