Have you checked your assumptions, lately?

Have you ever thought negatively about a person or a situation based on information you thought was accurate but which turned out to be wrong?
Posted in Case Evaluation, Collaborative Processes, Preserving Relationships, Preventive Law, Respect and civility | Comments Off

Advocacy and the pursuit of interests, without the fighting

We can fully engage in advocacy without engaging in an adversarial approach. It sounds counter-intuitive, but when you think about it, the most clearheaded advocacy comes when the advocates are not shackled by a narrow focus on winning a positional battle.
Posted in Collaborative Mediation, Core Values, Dispute Resolution Resources, Mediation, Perspectives | Comments Off

We are looking for one good town (legally speaking)

Now, take that same concept – a commitment of an entire town to practicing health wellness – but apply it to legal wellness. For one year, what if town officials agreed that if there were any kind of municipal disputes, neither side would sue or go to court.
Posted in Collaborative Law, Collaborative Processes, Cutting litigation costs, Dispute Resolution Clauses, Dispute Resolution Resources, Financial Considerations of Dispute Resolution, Preventive Law, Saving money in tough times | Comments Off

St. Patrick’s Day, Lent and Spring

Both the Irish and the Armenian in me smile; each acknowledging the gift of the other, each eager to share something with the other and both always appreciating the value of a good meal and a good time around the hearth.
Posted in Collaborative Law, Core Values, Perspectives, Preserving Relationships | Comments Off