So you want persuade the other side or the mediator? Well use more adjectives and you will be amazing in your power of persuasion according to new research.

According to some researchers of neuromarketing, “the authors of the study believe that adjectives that are sensory in nature are more impactful and memorable.
Of course, even if you buy their sampling technique, what makes books sell better doesn’t automatically translate into more persuasive ad copy or sales letters. Still, there’s evidence that adjectives boost restaurant sales when used on menus, and that sensory adjectives light up our brains even when used metaphorically.
The consistent factor in all of this is that adjectives can’t be bland filler – they should be vivid, sensory and specific. They should engage our imagination.” (
The Message for your mediation statement and message: Use evocative, vivid and specific adjectives to present your position. Especially, if you are trying to convince the other side. Just as in trial, consider using your five senses as a guide to persuasion. Try to present your material evoking images and impressions from each of the five senses.
By Steven G. Mehta