MCLC Trains more Collaborative Lawyers in New England
Since Collaborative Law was introduced in Massachusetts in 2000 and the Massachusetts Collaborative Law Council (MCLC) was formed, over 500 lawyers in Massachusetts have been trained in Collaborative Law (CL) and how to use it to resolve disputes without litigation and without going to court.
The MCLC added to the numbers of lawyers, mental health professionals and financial advisors training in CL when it held its annual Introductory Collaborative Law Training on October 1-3, 2015. This year, the training was hosted by the McLane Middleton Law Firm in Woburn, MA, which graciously offered its beautiful offices and conferences rooms.
A panel of three lawyers and one neutral coach/facilitator presented a section of the training focusing on applying CL in business, employment, probate and non-divorce family disputes on the first day of the training on October 1. Michael Zeytoonian, lawyer and mediator and Director of Dispute Resolution Counsel, LLC in Wellesley Hills, MA, joined attorneys Susan Klebanoff and Maura Sullivan of Canton, MA and Linda Cohan of Boston and Gloucester, a coach/facilitator, as the presenters for this segment of the training. Participants this year were from several of the New England states. Their panel also offered several examples of employment, discrimination, business breakup and family inheritance disputes where CL was used to resolve the matters in less time, with more efficiency and more creative outcomes than could be achieved through litigation. They also discussed the role of the coach/facilitator in these kinds of business, employment and other disputes and the differences and similarities in the coach/facilitator’s role in these kinds of cases as opposed to Collaborative Divorce cases.
Attorneys Sullivan and Zeytoonian and coach/facilitator Cohan will also be presenting a training workshop later in October in Washington, D.C. as part of the 17th Annual Forum of the International Academy of Collaborative Professionals (IACP). The Washington D.C. workshop will focus on doing CL Pilot Projects with government agencies and non-profit organizations. In 2014, the MCLC concluded a two year pilot project with the Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination, using CL in discrimination cases.
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