A word about “Good Counsel”

The first thing I noticed when I walked onto the campus of my law school was a beautiful stone chapel and the sign in front of it with its name: Our Lady of Good Counsel. It turned out that the law school shared the grounds with Our Lady of Good Counsel School. The chapel greeted people as they came up the common driveway. I’m certain that the suggestion of “Good Counsel” at the outset of my legal career was no coincidence.

That phrase – “good counsel” – has always remained in my mind, throughout law school and in over 25 years of practicing law since then. The original Greek word for “counselor” means “one who is called alongside to help”. Over the years, I embraced and internalized that message as my fundamental purpose as a lawyer – to provide my clients with good counsel. It’s the most important service and value I can give my clients, whether I am proactively helping them prevent disputes from arising, guiding them to achieve the best outcome in their disputes, or helping them work through other legal challenges.

So it’s fitting that we name our e-letter “Good Counsel”. We hope that the information included helps our clients, colleagues and friends make good decisions, and leads them to good results. We hope you find its contents worthy of the name.

Michael Zeytoonian, Founding Member
Dispute Resolution Counsel, LLC

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