Author Archives: Michael Zeytoonian

The Space Between: What can be done between a dispute arising and filing a lawsuit

When you read the advice of Abraham Lincoln about being a lawyer, you realize that the role of lawyers in Lincoln’s view was more expanded than someone you hire to file a suit, conduct litigation and (rarely) try the case. Lincoln saw lawyers’ role… Continue reading

Posted in Collaborative Law, Dispute Resolution Resources | Comments Off

Know your dispute resolution options before you choose a course of action

Most people think that when they get into a legal dispute, they have to file a lawsuit. They retain a lawyer, often a litigator, and start an expensive, time-consuming process called litigation. “I’ll sue.” “I’ll take you to court.” It’s … Continue reading

Posted in Dispute Resolution Resources | Comments Off

Collaborative Law in Civil Disputes and Basketball’s Triangle Offense

This blog post is in honor of “March Madness”, i.e. the NCAA’s annual basketball championship, which is basketball at its best. For basketball junkies like me, there was a great article in the Fall, 2013 issue of Good magazine about the Triangle … Continue reading

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Three Misconceptions about Using Collaborative Law in employment disputes

Over 2013, we heard a few reasons from employers and companies for why they would forego using Collaborative Law – a much more efficient dispute resolution process than litigation – and opt for litigation or arbitration instead. For any employe… Continue reading

Posted in Collaborative Law, Dispute Resolution Resources, Workplace Disputes | Comments Off

If you and your lawyer really do want to negotiate…

In every dispute a client calls me in to work to resolve, my first inquiry with the other side is to discuss the possibility of early resolution. If we can explore this option even before any litigation has been initiated, it’s even better. The other… Continue reading

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Do our words send the message we want to convey to accomplish what we want?

How often have we said or written something and quickly or soon realized that the message the recipient got was not what we wanted to convey? In the e-communications world, it happens all the time. This disconnect is assisted by the fact that how we co… Continue reading

Posted in Dispute Resolution Resources, Perspectives | Comments Off

Legal disputes are parts of something greater

What if we began to see disputes as a small part of something bigger? If we viewed them as a point along a spectrum with a greater continuum? If we placed the dispute within the context of one or more larger relationships? When we do this, we free ours… Continue reading

Posted in Collaborative Processes, Dispute Resolution Resources, Mediation, Preventive Law | Comments Off

So What is this Different Kind of Legal Advocacy?

One reason we changed the name of our firm recently to Dispute Resolution Counsel was to highlight the role that lawyers play in representing their clients in an alternative dispute resolution (ADR) processes. The role, approach and technique of a lawy… Continue reading

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True Legal Counselors – Back to the Future

What is a lawyer’s role in serving the needs of his or her clients? What do our clients want from us as their legal counsel? Maybe the better question is this: What do our clients need us to be for them? I’ve given this a lot of thought in nearly 2… Continue reading

Posted in Business, Dispute Resolution Resources, Perspectives, Primary Dispute Resolution (PDR) | Comments Off

So who is your primary care legal counsel?

In our last blog, we suggested that people approach resolving legal disputes the way they approach making medical decisions.  The starting point is to have a “primary care lawyer”, a true legal counselor, just as we have a primary care physician. … Continue reading

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