Author Archives: Michael Zeytoonian

To resolve a dispute, the first step is to assess your options

I’ve heard people who are in a business or employment dispute often lament: “I’m stuck in this dispute, and now we’ll have to litigate; I have no options.” If you take nothing else from this post, know this: They are usually wrong about this…. Continue reading

Posted in Dispute Resolution Resources | Comments Off

Replacing the “Blame Game” with a “New Game Plan”

Two recent Boston Globe stories (2 21 13) stood out for their common theme – that of laying blame and finding fault. One article entitled “Not Without Blame” apportioned blame for what happened to the 2012 Red Sox. The other story was about the l… Continue reading

Posted in Collaborative Law, Collaborative Mediation, Collaborative Processes, Dispute Resolution Process, Dispute Resolution Resources, Mediation | Comments Off

Do parties in a dispute want Settlement or Resolution?

Choosing the wrong dispute resolution process may very well prevent the parties from achieving their goals and satisfying their interests.The post Do parties in a dispute want Settlement or Resolution? appeared first on Dispute Resolution Counsel. Continue reading

Posted in Case Evaluation, Collaborative Law, Collaborative Processes, Dispute Resolution Process, Dispute Resolution Resources | Comments Off

What does “Getting My Day in Court” mean, really?

What typically happens to a person who is in a dispute and wants to “get his/her day in court”? Much of my practice is either representing employers or employees in employment disputes or mediating employment disputes. The first call from an upset … Continue reading

Posted in Business, Collaborative Law, Employment Disputes, Employment Law, Mediation, Workplace Disputes | Comments Off

If they are all doing it and if it’s the new “thing” in business, why aren’t we doing it more in law?

So why aren’t we jumping all over processes like Collaborative Law in dispute resolution? Business, education, science, medicine, information technology, and other fields of endeavor have given us multiple successful models built around the principl… Continue reading

Posted in Collaborative Law, Collaborative Mediation, Collaborative Processes, Dispute Resolution Resources | Comments Off

What if we took losing out of dispute resolution?

I was recently on Good Harbor Beach in Gloucester, MA relaxing and journal writing.  I noticed two women hitting a volleyball back and forth in a small box on the sand.  In the aftermath of gold and silver medals for U.S. women’s beach volleyball a… Continue reading

Posted in Collaborative Law, Collaborative Mediation, Dispute Resolution Resources, Efficient dispute resolution, Mediation, Preserving Relationships | Comments Off

Two different mediators – Moses and Jesus – and the Place of One

I was reading a Scriptural passage this week as part of my daily meditation.  The passage was about two mediators – Moses and Jesus (Galatians 3:13-22).  It’s a bit risky to write about mediation and meditation in the same post as they often get … Continue reading

Posted in Collaborative Mediation, Collaborative Processes, Dispute Resolution Resources, Mediation, Preserving Relationships | Comments Off

So What Does Identity Theft Have to do with Dispute Resolution?

So what about identity theft? Why are we writing about it in a blog about alternative ways of resolving disputes? ..When it comes to resolving disputes, most people are also the victims of this same kind of identity theft. The choice of what to do ab… Continue reading

Posted in Collaborative Law, Collaborative Mediation, Core Values, Dispute Resolution Resources, Mediation, Respect and civility | Comments Off

One key difference between Mediation and Collaborative Law is often overlooked

“What is the difference between mediation and collaborative law (“CL”)?” It’s hard for parties in a dispute and other non-lawyers to see the differences; in fact lawyers have trouble articulating them. Continue reading

Posted in Collaborative Law, Collaborative Mediation, Collaborative Processes, Mediation, Preserving Relationships | Comments Off

How would Collaborative Law determine money damages issues?

Two parties find themselves in a discrimination case and they do not want to litigate it; they want to resolve it out of court. Continue reading

Posted in Business, Collaborative Law, Collaborative Mediation, Collaborative Processes, Creative Solutions, Dispute Resolution Resources, Employment Disputes, Mediation | Comments Off