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Author Archives: Michael Zeytoonian
Success Express Workshop focuses on non-competes, contracts and dispute resolution
“The Workplace Minefield of Legal Misinformation” was the topic of the most recent Success Express Workshop in Westborough, MA on February 10, 2016. The workshop, one in a series presented by the Corridor Nine Chamber of Commerce and sponsored by Commerce Bank, featured Michael Zeytoonian, lawyer, mediator and founding member of Dispute Resolution Counsel, LLC as its presenter. The primary …
The post Success Express Workshop focuses on non-competes, contracts and dispute resolution appeared first on Dispute Resolution Counsel.
Posted in agreements, contracts, News-Articles, non-compete, workshop
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The importance of process, with help from Decisive, by Dan Heath and Chip Heath
I’ve been reading the latest book by Dan Heath and Chip Heath, Decisive. (They have written two other great books: Made to Stick and Switch.) Many great insights are offered in this book that pertain to decision making and also applicable to how we resolve disputes. I’ll focus on the importance of choosing a good process. Excerpts from Decisive are …
The post The importance of process, with help from Decisive, by Dan Heath and Chip Heath appeared first on Dispute Resolution Counsel.
Let’s cross-examine the case before we decide to file that lawsuit
I think it’s a good idea for people who find themselves in a dispute to do some cross-examining before they file a lawsuit. Sounds odd, right? After all, based on what we know about litigation and how the legal process works from what we see on TV and in the movies, cross-examination is the high point of the lawsuit; it’s …
The post Let’s cross-examine the case before we decide to file that lawsuit appeared first on Dispute Resolution Counsel.
Posted in court, cross-examining, lawsuit, Primary Care Law, Primary Dispute Resolution (PDR)
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The “we don’t need to do that now” reason you need a Primary Care Lawyer.
We’ve been offering some stories about people, small businesses, and organizations who made some business and legal decisions before they had retained their PCL (primary care lawyer) to be part of their team of trusted advisors. Here are two common ones that I have heard several times: A young woman starting up a small business wants to formalize the business …
The post The “we don’t need to do that now” reason you need a Primary Care Lawyer. appeared first on Dispute Resolution Counsel.
Posted in new business, Preventive Law, primary care counselor, Primary Care Law, primary care lawyer
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What if we extend these “Season’s Greetings” into how we resolve disputes?
Joy to the World. Good tidings and light. Shalom. The wonder and awe of a special birth of a child. Peace on earth; good will toward men. Heavenly peace. Holy night. Gloria, in excelsis Deo. Star of Wonder; star of Light. A new year, a new beginning. A throne of justice and righteousness. Good cheer. Rejoice. Allah be praised. Wisdom …
The post What if we extend these “Season’s Greetings” into how we resolve disputes? appeared first on Dispute Resolution Counsel.
Posted in holidays, Perspectives, season greetings
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Tale #1: Using or Not Using Primary Care Lawyers
If they only had a Primary Care Lawyer before they … Our last blog post discussed the value of having a Primary Care Lawyer (a “PCL”). It makes sense having a lawyer you trust who knows you, your business, your hopes and aspirations, work and family situation, and who can help you navigate through the often tricky waters of workplace, …
The post Tale #1: Using or Not Using Primary Care Lawyers appeared first on Dispute Resolution Counsel.
Posted in pcl, Perspectives, primary care lawyer, storytelling
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Active exchange on mediation and ADR at Suffolk Law School
Three experienced ADR practitioners recently joined Suffolk University School of Law Professor Ericka Gray for panel presentation on mediation and other forms of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) attended by second and third year Suffolk Law students. The program is part of a series of presentations offered to the area law schools by the MBA’s ADR Committee. Christine Yurgelun, Jeffrey Stern …
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Posted in Collaborative Law, Counsel, Mediation, News-Articles, Suffolk Law School
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Do you have your primary care lawyer?
Most people have a primary care physician. But people and small businesses don’t often have a primary care lawyer. This primary care lawyer that your closely held or family business or non-profit organization doesn’t have is probably the most important lawyer you need. I often analogize between how we approach legal disputes and how we make medical decisions. A vital …
The post Do you have your primary care lawyer? appeared first on Dispute Resolution Counsel.
Posted in Preventive Law, primary care lawyer, primary care legal counselor
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Zeytoonian presents on Collaborative Law in Washington, D.C.
Over 500 Collaborative lawyers, mental health professionals and financial advisors from all across the United States, Canada, and 21 nations gathered in Washington, D.C. for the 16th Annual Forum of the International Academy of Collaborative Professionals (IACP) during the week of October 14-18, 2015 at the Renaissance Downtown Hotel. The Forum is the largest annual gathering of Collaborative Professionals and …
The post Zeytoonian presents on Collaborative Law in Washington, D.C. appeared first on Dispute Resolution Counsel.
Posted in Collaborative Law, IACP, MCAD, mclc, News-Articles
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Zeytoonian Presents on Business Collaborative Law at Annual MCLC Training
MCLC Trains more Collaborative Lawyers in New England Since Collaborative Law was introduced in Massachusetts in 2000 and the Massachusetts Collaborative Law Council (MCLC) was formed, over 500 lawyers in Massachusetts have been trained in Collaborative Law (CL) and how to use it to resolve disputes without litigation and without going to court. The MCLC added to the numbers of …
The post Zeytoonian Presents on Business Collaborative Law at Annual MCLC Training appeared first on Dispute Resolution Counsel.
Posted in Collaborative Law, Massachusetts Collaborative Law Council, Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination, News-Articles
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