Author Archives: Michael Zeytoonian

The Value of Dispute Resolution Process Assessments: Massachusetts Lawyers Journal Article by Michael Zeytoonian

With the coming of the information age and the increasing reliance on information technology, consumers have become increasingly savvy in how they research and shop for good and services. Legal services are no longer an exception to that trend. Today’s potential clients searching for lawyers as well as legal information on the internet are not only beneficiaries of easier access …

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North Carolina makes the Collaborative Law pivot

The state that was “First in Flight”, and more recently a key swing state in the 2016 Presidential election, hopes to also be a pivotal state in the increasing use of Collaborative Law in non-divorce or “civil” disputes. Some of its lawyers have just completed its second two-day training in civil, non-family disputes and the state bar association is already …

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Should Discretionary Clauses be built into Workplace Laws?

Sometimes, when you cast out a big net, you catch a lot of fish that you weren’t intending to catch. When fishing, a fisherman has the option of sifting through his catch to check what is there, keep what he wants and throw the rest back in the water. With a minor interruption of their activities, the unwanted fish can …

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MBA Panel focuses on Early Dispute Resolution and Collaborative Law

Early Dispute Resolution and specifically Collaborative Law were as the focus of the first part of a three-part series held at the Massachusetts Bar Association office in Boston on November 14, 2016. The series is entitled “Mediation & Arbitration Essentials” and is being co-sponsored jointly by the MBA’s Young Lawyers Division and Dispute Resolution Section. Samuel Segal, Chairman of the …

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First, assess your options for resolving disputes

I’ve heard people who are in a business or employment dispute often complain, “I’m stuck in this dispute, and now we’ll have to litigate. I have no options.” If you take nothing else from this blog post, know this: They are usually wrong; there are options. Most people in disputes don’t know they have options and if they do still …

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A word about “Good Counsel”

The first thing I noticed when I walked onto the campus of my law school was a beautiful stone chapel and the sign in front of it with its name: Our Lady of Good Counsel. It turned out that the law school shared the grounds with Our Lady of Good Counsel School. The chapel greeted people as they came up …

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Beyond Arbitration and Mediation: Designing the Dispute Resolution Process to Fit the Situation

Posted: October 25, 2016 in the Boston Bar Journal. We live in a specialized world, one in which access to information is so overwhelming that there literally is “an app for that” to satisfy even the most specific and narrow of needs. Yet, until recently, the legal profession’s response to the increasingly tailored needs of our clients has been to …

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Why do I need a primary care lawyer?

Here is how to resolve a legal dispute.  Approach it the way you make your medical decisions.  Start with consulting your “primary care lawyer”, just as you would first see your primary care physician. Your primary care lawyer will give you good advice about what options you have for resolving your dispute.  Your primary care lawyer is probably not a …

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Zeytoonian & Faxon provide collaborative law training program in Holland

Holland’s Collaborative Law Association hosted a three-day Collaborative Law Training for lawyers, financial advisors and executive coaches from March 17 through March 19 in the resort town of Nunspeet, The Netherlands.  The training was held at the Villa Vennendal in Nunspeet. Two Massachusetts lawyers, Michael Zeytoonian and Paul Faxon, were invited by the Dutch Association of Collaborative Professionals to present …

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Getting your day in court – what does it really mean? And how can we get it for you?

“I want my day in court.” “I was wronged and something’s got to be done about it. We need to fix this.” “What happened to me wasn’t right and wasn’t fair.  I want some justice.”  “I want the other side to feel some pain.  I want some vengeance.” I often hear these sentiments in my initial phone call or meeting …

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